Becky Day

Video Production
Press And Pr
Social Media
Copy Editing And Magazine Production

I am a Bristol-based journalist and digital marketing professional who has over six years experience in the media industry.

I have worked as a reporter and news editor for the Local Voice Network, and sub-editor for a local travel publication and holistic living magazine. It was while working for these publications that my passion for digital marketing developed – I recognised how important it is for businesses to be engaging in the ‘digital world’ and embracing new ways of marketing online.

I have since taken on the role of managing content management systems and social media platforms within local secondary schools and also delivering workshops on using social media to engage parents and the local community. My expertise in social media has also allowed me to support staff and students with online safety issues, particularly cyber-bullying.

Give us a call or send us a quick email with what you’re looking for. We’re friendly and we want to get to know you.